What have we been missing by not using Natural Family Planning?
There is shared responsibility for family planning decision making. Communication improves leading to a deepening of relationships and increased mutual respect. More frequent and rewarding marital relations than couples using contraceptive methods (https://naturalwomanhood.org/learn/charting/). Conscious decision of couple to practice chastity with marriage through periodic abstinence. Self-mastery of this area of marriage influences other areas of marriage: finances, child raising, extended family relationships. Marriage as whole is now ordered as God designed and couples are free to experience marital union empowered by the knowledge of where they are with their couple fertility. Children will be blessed living in a household where the parents have worked to improve their intimacy in a rightly ordered way resulting in closeness that spills over to the whole family (Olmsted, 2018, number 56). Periodic abstinence requires couples to develop nurturing behaviors in a non-arousal way. Couples regain appreciation for what they must postpone, if they desire to avoid pregnancy, month after month, year after year. This periodic waiting time increases desire within the couple, such that when the infertile phase arrives, couples are eager to engage in marital union, hence keeping the “spark” alive. The marital union has a two-fold purpose: unitive and procreative, or “babies or bonding.” https://www.usccb.org/resources/Spirituality%20of%20NFP%20article%20Happiness%20NFP%20Marriage.pdf Health Benefits
Relationship Benefits
Lifestyle Choice
Getting the “spark” back
What is the real purpose of the marital union?