- Please review the offered Methods prior to registering for classes. Pick the one that you think will fit your lifestyle best. The following Methods are offered: “ST” or Symto-thermal, “FAF” or Families of the Americas Ovulation Method, and “MM” or Marquette Methods.
- We also offer “God’s Amazing Plan for your Marriage Retreat—GAP Retreat” which compliments the Methods and provides couples the Biblical knowledge for Natural Family Planning. This retreat (online version until June) for couples married in the Church dives deeply into God’s remarkable plan for married life, in the Sacred Scriptures, the Vows of a Catholic wedding ceremony, and the gift of sexuality. Couples will have ample time for discussion and thoughtful reflection with each other throughout the day. All materials will be mailed to couples prior to the retreat. A copy of Christopher West’s groundbreaking book, Good News about Sex and Marriage will be given to each couple.
ST-- Sympto-Thermal Method
–observations are made daily of biomarkers: cervical mucus, vaginal sensation, basal body temperature, and optional cervical changes, and recorded with symbols on a chart. Couples are taught to cross-check and interpret these signs to determine fertile and infertile phases in a cycle, and the rules for postponing or achieving pregnancy. Group instruction is offered for three classes over six weeks, allowing time for practice and learning of the Rules. Individual follow ups are completed before or after each group class with a fourth individual follow up four weeks after the last class.
FAF--Families of Americas Foundation Ovulation Method
–Observations are made daily of biomarkers: cervical mucus and vaginal sensations. Following the Rules of this method and daily charting, the couple will recognize the beginning and the end of the fertile phase and necessary rules for postponing or achieving pregnancy. It is not necessary to take waking temperature with this method of NFP. Group instruction is offered for the first class. Individual follow-ups are then scheduled for at least three more sessions or until clients are autonomous in their use of the method.
MM--Marquette Method
–uses hormonal monitoring technology (ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor) and additional cervical fluid observations to estimate a woman’s fertile window. Couples may use this method to postpone or achieve pregnancy by detecting the rise in Estrogen and the LH surge through urine testing. Group instruction is offered for two courses and follow-ups are scheduled individually.
All NFP methods are similar because understanding the woman’s reproductive system is common to all methods. Here is what they share:
- They all rely on the charting of observable signs of fertility and infertility in the woman and abstinence from all genital contact during the fertile time to postpone a pregnancy.
- They are all reliable, highly effective, and free from side effects and the abortifacient nature that haunt all chemical forms of contraception and IUDs . We want to assure you that these methods are NOT the old-fashioned rhythm method.
- Each of the national USCCB approved methods has its own provider organization that promotes the method, publishes materials, does research, and trains teachers. Each NFP method has excellent websites for more information.
- However, most charting apps for your cell phone do not have those decades-long use and research as the methods we teach. In addition, most apps are based on the “rhythm method” and so can be prone to inaccuracies. Here is an excellent article that assesses the performance of these apps to avoid pregnancy. You might be surprised by their results!
- https://www.jabfm.org/content/29/4/508.full